Keep Focus In Your Network Marketing Business

Let’s talk about how you keep focus, especially when it comes to social media. As a whole, it’s how many people, myself included, have been able to build multi six (6) or seven (7) figure network marketing businesses. Whether it be recruiting new people for your sales force, or acquiring new customers for your products or services. Learning how to keep focus in your network marketing business, is key.

With an abundance of social media platforms available; Facebook, Instagram, Blogging, Snap Chat, Twitter, and so on, it’s easy to be spread thin. It’s easy to get caught up in wanting to undertake it all – and in turn, never mastering any of them.

The difficulty with that is you’ve got them all, great, but now what?

Focus: ‘the state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition’

Focus can also be described as the ability to eliminate distractions, and if we consider how much more productive we are in our personal or professional lives when we are focused, this all starts to make more sense.

Now, I appreciate this is sometimes easier said than done, so where does one start? How do you keep your focus in your network marketing business? What resources should one consider? Who can you reach out to?

Simply put; find someone who’s doing it. Learn from those who have come before you – and those who lead from the front. Teaching, by example.

4 Ways To Keep Focus In Your Network Marketing Business

  1. Eliminate distractions and time wasters. Stay focused on Income Producing Activities. Most things that distract us from those, aren’t emergencies, which in turn, means they can wait. Consider keeping track of the activities you are doing throughout the day – this will allow you to determine what is working for or against you.
  2. Remind yourself of your ultimate goal. Why are you doing this? Why did you get started? There are a variety of ways to do this; set reminders on your phone, use post it notes around your home or office, create a vision board, write the ultimate goal down – somewhere, anywhere, everywhere.
  3. Choose one social media platform, and master that. I would recommend Facebook as a great starting point. It’s likely you already have an audience or relationships there – learn the ins and outs of effective statuses, conversation starters, exposure techniques, etc. Whichever you choose – Choose one and scale later if you have to.
  4. Set up your day, the night before. Map tomorrow out, make some basic decisions about what the day should ideally look like. Create to do lists, and set intentions to do them. Prioritize the day – Make the decision to avoid surfing online or checking emails before you have completed the priority tasks – or at the very least, schedule them in.

Over the course of more than a decades I have spent in the home business space, I have found that the most successful people are those who have mastered how to keep the focus on the things that drive their business.

Eye on the prize.

Let’s expand a bit more on the last point mentioned above in 4 ways to keep focus, by setting up your day, the night before. This Keep Focus In Your Network Marketing Businesstie is especially well with time management. Consider picking up an agenda or calendar, even printing one out – studies continue to prove that the old pen and paper way is more effective than the digital ones available.

Your network marketing business requires work. In order for that work to happen, it requires a dedication of your time, your energy, and your focus. If this were a traditional business, Brick and Mortar business, it’s like you would have business hours. Set times that require your presence, this shouldn’t be any different.

Do you presently schedule your time effectively? Does it help you, keep focus?

Lastly, stay accountable to yourself. If you are serious about your network marketing business, and are dedicated to making big things happen for you, reach out to a successful upline, consider keeping a journal of your activities and monitor their progress, celebrate yourself when you’ve attained a specific goal (and then get back to work!), track your business month to month, adjust where necessary. Keep focus!

The good news is, network marketing is an arena that with clear focus, goal setting, effective time management and the right support, you can change your life. Although success doesn’t happen overnight, implementing the right strategies will have you well on your way.


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I look forward to hearing from you.

And, definitely, check this out in the event you are looking to see how it is I have changed my life through the Network Marketing Industry over the past 12 years (and how you can too!) 

keep focus

Rick Billings
Skype: rbillings3

Attraction Marketing Formula Boot Camp

Rick Billings

Rick Billings is one of the top leaders in his primary company. He trains people in online and offline marketing and values building relationships with new people he meets every day. If you're open to earn an extra stream of income see what Rick has to offer. Click Here